
I will review the theories and curriculum outline to enhance social and ecological awareness through VCAE curriculum. Contemporary art education requires to develop post modern curriculum includes approaches such as constructivism and integrated curriculum. Furthermore, teaching contemporary art and culture, emphasizing visual literacy to develop wise cultural consumption, enhancing critical thinking, raising cultural and ecological awareness so they can be global citizens in the society, and participating in society in order to have a deeper understanding of visual culture are important issues to contemporary art education. Therefore, I will examined integrated curriculum, visual literacy, social reconstructivism, environmental art and technology with incorporating relevant readings. Updated teaching and learning through VCAE would equip students with the skills they need to negotiate contemporary culture and visual information through VCAE. Also, art education researchers and educators should avoid the limitation of traditionally-defined art and should collaborate with sociology, anthropology, folklore, and other disciplines. In their classes, art teachers should select meaningful teaching resources to activate students' thinking and stimulate discussion on thoughts, values, and issues presented through the study of different cultures and societies.

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