
The article is devoted to study of the ethical and religious context of external influence to the Russian Federation aft er the start of a Special military operation in Ukraine. As an introduction showed a retrospective overview of use external infl uence against Russia at various historical stages. Th e main part of the study includes theoretical developments that are used to create pressure on the Russian Federation ethnic and religious sphere. It shows how these ideas were radicalized aft er the start of a Special military operation in Ukraine, including the discourse of “decolonization of Russia”, which poses as mostly as a process of liberation from the “prison of nations”, and associated with an orientation to masses, what directly indicates the use of this discourse as a destabilization technology of Russia. The purpose of the study is to analyze the external infl uence on the ethnic and religious spheres of the Russian Federation, as well as to develop methods of counteraction. Th e main results of the study are a description and structuring of external influence on the ethnic and religious sphere of the Russian Federation, a link between the theory of destabilization technologies and practice of “Russian Federation decolonization”, also a two main lines of external influence to Russia.

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