
Technology is the key enabler in the effective exploration and exploitation of ocean resources, such as minerals, gas hydrates and ocean energy, which are available in abundance in India. This paper describes the strategic technologies developed by the National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), namely in-situ sea bed soil tester, crawler based polymetallic nodule mining machine, deep water unmanned vehicle, autonomous wireline coring systems for gas hydrate exploration and ocean energy systems. The demonstration mining machine, whose functionality is proven by pumping artificial nodule slurry from 512m water depth is being augmented for carrying out polymetallic nodule mining operation at 6000 m water depth in the CIOB. The in-situ soil tester qualified at 5462 m in the Central Indian Ocean Basin (CIOB) is being augmented for vibration induced sinkage studies on the soft sea bed. The developed 6000m electric work class Remotely Operated Vehicle which is qualified at 5280m water depth is being used for exploratory activities in potential resource sites in the Bay of Bengal, the CIOB and the Central Indian Ridge which has brought out significant scientific findings. As part of the Indian Gas Hydrate Program, a 3000m seabed based wireline Autonomous Coring System is being developed for carrying out Gas hydrate ground truth validation, and is under qualification. Techniques are being identified for the eco-friendly and economic exploitation of methane gas from potential Indian gas hydrate reservoirs. Systems for utilizing offshore wave, marine current and wind energy are also under development.

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