
In this work, a module of an automated design system for machining using a multi-contact vibrating impact tool, namely a ball-rod hardener, was developed. The technological process of machining using such a hardener was studied. The performance and production cost of machining expressed as the duration and cost of achieving the specified hardening parameters were used to assess the efficiency. The specified geometric, physical and mechanical parameters of the surface layer of processed parts were used as restrictive functions. Residual stresses in samples were determined by Davydenko’s method. The Microsoft Visual Studio software and the C# programming language were used to automate process design. The studies established that the quality of the surface layer of parts is influenced by the main technological parameters (the impact energy of the indenter, the number of rods and grinding radius and tension in processing). The adequate theoretical models of developing various quality parameters of the surface layer of machined parts and processing time were obtained from the theoretical studies of the machining process using a ball-rod hardener. The obtained dependence was subjected to a comprehensive verification under the operating conditions at PJSC “Rostvertol” (Rostov-on-Don). Residual stresses in the surface layer of the BRH machined parts were measured using the ASCON-3-KI automated test stand produced by the Kazan Aviation Institute. The discrepancy between the theoretical and experimental results of the machining process was less than 15 %. The adequacy of the theoretical formulas was assessed by Fisher’s criterion. Based on the research findings, an algorithm and method of designing rational parameters for machining parts of complex geometry using a ball-rod hardener were developed. Using this software for the automated design of technological processes allowed the time of manufacturing preparation to be reduced and the stable quality of machined parts to be ensured. This offers manufacturing preparation in a digital production environment and ensures a significant increase in the useful life of manufactured products.

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