
One of the largest trap intrusion provinces, Siberian traps, is located in the East-Siberian Platform in Russia. A trap intrusion zone usually has abnormally low reservoir pressures and natural fractures. Consequently, trap drilling is associated with fluid losses that can be catastrophic. The section of trap intrusion is a part of a Ø 174 mm production casing section of the Srednebotuobinskoe field. The basic well design of this section also includes the Osinsky horizon, which features an abnormally high reservoir pressure zone. The latter creates incompatible with drilling conditions environment due to the presence of catastrophic loss zones in traps. Time spent on drilling a trap intrusion zone accounts for up to 30 % of the total well drilling time. The abovementioned geological issues in directional wells become the key topic in solving it. The method to resolve this issue is an integrated approach employing all the technologies and technical facilities aimed at finding a technological solution. First of all, in order to optimize the well construction cycles and reduce the complications, all the wells were classified in three categories as per the type of behavior in trap intrusion. This allowed to work out multi-level activities, that depended on severity of losses and non-operational time spent on drilling through this section. An alternative well design was developed and trialed on several wells, which showed positive results on decreasing non-productive timing. The main concept of this design was significantly different from the basic well design that was used in the past on the Srednebotuobinskoe field. The main difference was isolation of traps from the high pressure Osinsky horizon lower section with a Ø 245 mm casing string, which allowed safe splitting of two incompatible drilling zones. The economic effect of this solution allowed saving of up to 10.4 days or 15 % of the construction time in the wells of first category. These results were reviewed at the Technical Committee of the Company and agreed to implement the alternative well design on first category wells on the Srednebotuobinskoe field. In addition, for the rest of well categories the Drilling Team has produced and successfully implemented the preventative measures that allowed drilling through traps with lost circulation material. It is worth to mention that this method assumed a by-passing mud-cleaning system on the rig to allow building up a solid phase thus stemming the losses while drilling. For all the categories of the wells the Drilling team has selected and trialed different types and designs of drilling bits that would allow drilling hard rock such as dolerite section in traps with minimal number of runs. For the last five years the Drilling team together with the bit producing companies have designed a new type of PDC cutters that would allow to enhance durability as well as improve drilling speed both in dolerite formations and in overlying formations in the Production casing section. The Drilling team has also managed to reduce the number of trips associated with early bit wear decreasing them from five to two runs and create an experimental basis for drilling the entire section of the production casing in one run. From 2019 team continue looking for further solutions that would allow to improve bottomhole assembly elements balancing between durability and drilling rate in different types of formations above and below traps. A range of proposed technological solutions significantly reduced the impact on the well construction performance by preventing and reducing the downhole losses events in the section of trap intrusion on the Srednebotuobinskoe field.


  • Trap magmatism is a distinct type of continental magmatism, which is characterized by huge volumes of basalt eruption during a geologically short period over large territories [1]

  • Et al These studies offer several hypotheses regarding trap intrusion characteristics, such as: – Eruption of traps potentially occurring in uplift conditions with predominantly a central eruption type; – Ingress of dolerite sills through the monoclinal dip from Kansk-Taseevo depression, which is a localized trap magmatism zone; – Crystalline basement fault zone; – Deep magma-conductive faults, which define maximum trap thickness zones, yet do not delineate separate magmatic bodies or elements of their morphology [2]

  • A comparison of the drilling results of five wells with the current design and alternative design indicates a reduction in drilling time by 8.6 days per well; due to a reduced time spent on loss elimination in trap intrusion intervals

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Технологические решения в бурении трапповой интрузии на Среднеботуобинском нефтегазоконденсатном месторождении (Восточная Сибирь). Участок трапповой интрузии на скважинах Среднеботуобинского месторождения находится в секции эксплуатационной обсадной колонны Ø 174 мм. Базовая конструкция скважин данной секции также включает в себя осинский горизонт, в котором присутствует зона с аномально высоким пластовым давлением, создающая условия, не совместимые с бурением из-за присутствия зон катастрофических поглощений в участке трапповой интрузии. Для оптимизации циклов строительства скважин и снижения количества осложнений была проведена классификация трапповой интрузии по трем категориям, которая позволила разработать многоуровневый ряд мероприятий по проведению работ в трапповых интрузиях в зависимости от характера поглощений и аварийного времени, потраченного на прохождение данного участка. В результате введения данного комплекса мероприятий удалось минимизировать возникновение поглощений при прохождении трапповой интрузии на всех кустовых площадках и существенно сократить сроки строительства скважин на Среднеботуобинском месторождении.

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