
Wood quality from about 230 healthy and diseased fir, spruce, pine and beech trees from various locations in West Germany was tested. In general results are satisfactory for mechanical wood properties, but some physical, chemical and biological indicators lead to the conclusion that logs from heavily diseased trees may be attacked a !ittle earlier and faster by microorganisms during storage. Width of growth rings is reduced in severely damaged softwood trees on most locations whereas beech shows no significant reduction. Declining health of the trees had no or little influence on wood density; the modulus of elasticity and strength were at normal levels and independent of tree damage. Width and moisture content of sapwood were reduced little in pines but more in spruce and fir. A tendency to a more intensely developed irregular brown heartwood in severeIy damaged beech trees could not be proved until now. Storage of spruce in a log yard for four months has shown a slightly faster development of discoloration caused by fungi in diseased trees whereas after seven months wood from healthy trees was more discoloured. After storage strength properties are not or only slightly reduced, but no difference was found between trees assigned to the various health classes. After two years of storage under sprinkling water, pine logs from healthy and diseased trees show no difference in discoloration.

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