
The article summarizes and analyzes the technological characteristics of various clay raw materials. Recommendations on the feasibility of their use in various types of ceramic production are given. Their main characteristics are given, such as chemical composition, mineralogical and physical properties, which vary within extremely wide limits. They are most characterized by a layered structure. All clay minerals are considered as secondary geological formations that arose in deposits in which water was present as a product of changes in aluminosilicate rocks. Most clay minerals are the product of weathering and deposition, but they can also be formed in hydrothermal conditions.
 In addition to basic clay minerals, clays also contain various amounts of other minerals that often affect their behavior when used. The most common such minerals are quartz, feldspar and minerals containing iron, lime, alkalis and soluble salts. The organic component is also found in many clay deposits. Different classifications of clays are based on their geology, mineralogy, composition, properties and uses, but none of them covers all possible diversity.


  • In addition to basic clay minerals, clays contain various amounts of other minerals that often affect their behavior when used

  • The organic component is found in many clay deposits

  • Different classifications of clays are based on their geology, mineralogy, composition, properties and uses, but none of them covers all possible diversity

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Technological properties of clay raw materials

Recommendations on the feasibility of their use in various types of ceramic production are given. Their main characteristics are given, such as chemical composition, mineralogical and physical properties, which vary within extremely wide limits. They are most characterized by a layered structure. In addition to basic clay minerals, clays contain various amounts of other minerals that often affect their behavior when used. The most common such minerals are quartz, feldspar and minerals containing iron, lime, alkalis and soluble salts.

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