
Objective: to map the evidence on web-based technologies and their applicability in outpatient and home care in pediatric urology. Methods: this is a scoping review, with searches conducted in six databases, with no time limit, in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. Results: 2,200 articles were obtained, with 19 publications eligible for the final sample. The most used web-based technologies were telehealth and telemedicine (47.3%), online intervention programs (21.0%), and mobile apps (15.8%), with a lower rate of use of serious games, social media, and urination videos (5.3%), mostly in the home setting. Conclusion: the mapping of technological evidence in outpatient and home care in pediatric urology allowed us to identify the types of technology and their applications focused on self-management of symptoms and self-efficacy, for monitoring and follow-up of urologic care. Contributions to practice: the synthesized evidence contributes to an expanded, qualified, and innovative professional practice with the pediatric population with urinary and bowel symptoms, characteristics related to advanced nursing practice, in addition to favoring early diagnosis and greater therapeutic adherence, particularly by supporting interventions tailored to the needs of the pediatric patient and his family.

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