
Abstract . Technological approach in assimilation of the content of didactic management is oriented to mastering the students-future teachers − the basics of mastery of management education. The urgency of the problem stems from the need to determine the components of formation of didactic management competence of future students. Technological component, or technology competence, involves mastering the system of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and experience and the experience of independent designing and testing of teaching management technologies in the content of the development of a reference theme. The purpose of the study is to reveal the essence of the technological approach in developing the theoretical and practical aspects of didactic management. Research methods used: analysis (educational, pedagogical, didactic technologies and their place in the professional activity of future physics teachers on didactic management as a component of professional training of a specialist, the content of teaching technology technologies or teaching management technologies); modeling (professional training and activities related to the use of didactic management technologies); generalisation (in the process of structuring the content content of the teaching methods of didactic management; formulation of conclusions); observation (at the work of students on the development and use of technology management training in physics); a survey (conducted in the process of finding out the understanding of the nature of the tasks over the content content of the techniques of didactic management and determining their complexity for students). Technological approach in the development of problems of didactic management is realised in theoretical and practical aspects. Theoretical aspect of technological approach involves knowledge of technology: educational, pedagogical, didactic, educational; acquaint students with the experience of using pedagogical technologies (developing, gaming, person-oriented, interactive, etc.). Practical aspect involves the self-mastering of the techniques of didactic management (learning management technologies). It consists of technologies: the design of a training management system (for example, physics), training organization and management; simulation of interaction in learning; diagnostics of training. The mastery of the techniques of didactic management involves their filling with specific subject content, e.g., the technology of forming the concepts of the theme (reference), the technology of creating test tasks (for the diagnosis of rates and levels of assimilation of concepts of the basic theme), etc.

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