
My research activity is positioned within intersection of three main areas. The three main topics are: (1) the added value of the technology in technology-enhanced higher education learning environment, (2) the identification of online student preferences and attitudes, the possibilities of generating student profile, and (3) identification the effective learning method / model in online and blended learning environment. In order to achieve the research goals, my work firstly focused on exploring the main factors that influences students learning processes in the e-learning environment. To understand the role of learners’ needs in technology-enhanced learning a synthesis of the learning style models was prepared based on the literature. The created table and online mind map summarizes e-learning needs, attitudes, the strengths and weaknesses of different learning styles. Using experimental elearning curricula, the students' attitudes and factors influencing their online learning was examined. The ELTE “Editing Multimedia Materials” course students’ online learning style was identified, and examined its relevance. Analysing student’s behaviour and attitude in an online learning environment we found that students with different learning style preferences have different attitudes within online courses. In the next step, the added value of the technology and the applied educational method in the higher education courses was examined. The steps of developing the technology enhanced learning model was presented. Our refined project based online collaborative student centred learning model was generated with the contribution of ELTE “Editing Multimedia Materials” course students. It was developed based on scientific foundations, with the method of design-based research, action research and case study. The most important result of the research is the blended learning model developed in a technology-enhanced learning environment. (CECIP – Collaboration – Evaluation - Critical thinking - Individual assessment – learner Profile) evolved originating from Vygotsky’s theory and based on the (C) collaborative construction of student’s knowledge, (E) developing evaluation and assessment skills, (C) developing critical thinking skills, (I) integrating individual evaluation and (P) generating learner profile. The next step was an action research approach, in which the developed model was implemented at the Budapest Metropolitan University in two different LMSs. In CooSpace system, taking advantage of the system features, supplementing the missing elements with external applications. The model was implemented in the Moodle system with self-developed additional modules. In both systems, the student activities and effectiveness was analysed. Student feedbacks was examined using statistical and multivariate statistical methods. Finally, an innovative learning approach was presented as a case study. The flipped learning approach combined with project based group work was introduced at two different universities (Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest Mertopolitan University) to improve the students’ activity and learning experience within the basic Informatics course. Based on the students and teachers opinion inverting the classroom and integrating project work brought positive change in students’ in-class behaviour, their activity was undoubtedly better. The implemented flipped method, with effective elearning materials, appropriately selected digital technologies and collaborative work in seminars increase the activity in contact classes and the positive student experience were realized.

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