
This paper introduces a new combination of solar fields to reduce LCOE and increase solar share. One Solar Field (PTC or LFR) with molten salt as heat transfer fluid is used to store energy during the day, and two independent LFRs are used for direct steam generation for high-pressure turbines and low-pressure turbines. Due to the low price of natural gas, using solar field is not economical, and using thermal energy storage is affordable only for a higher price of natural gas. The PTC with a lower energy storage than LFR has a higher solar share, but using LFR is more economical. In this paper, the effects of several parameters on the LCOE are investigated, and the key factors are introduced. According to the results, three independent LFRs create the best combination to meet the required energy. The LCOE of a photovoltaic power-plant is less than the LCOE of a solar thermal one, but the photovoltaic power plant cannot supply the energy needed at night. Therefore, in the end, to further increase system performance and reduce the LCOE, the solar thermal power-plant is combined with a photovoltaic system and the effects of using different sizes of photovoltaic power-plant on the hybrid system are investigated.

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