
The dramatic growth in recent years of computing devices with small display surfaces (e.g., PDAs, WAP phones, handheld computers) has spawned the need to consider new interaction methodologies that will allow users to interact with information spaces that might require more space than the display can provide. This paper describes potential solutions to allow users to interact easily and intuitively with large information spaces when presented on a small screen. We used a human-centered iterative design approach consisting of knowledge elicitation tasks, user feedback sessions, and concept development to identify two primary interaction methodologies: Dynamic Information Magnification (DIM) and Dynamic Information Labeling (DIL). DIM is a way for the user to enhance relevant portions of an information space through magnification functions while DIL is a way to enhance information through smart highlighting and labeling. These two techniques were applied to complex flight performance charts as part of an ONR-funded program that is focusing on the development of an electronic checklist and procedure manual. Early findings suggest that the Dynamic Information Labeling concept shows the most promise for the particular domain to which this technique was applied. Concept descriptions, informal user feedback, and implications of interaction methodologies for use with large information spaces on small-screen displays are described.

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