
Digital data in huge amount is being persistently generated at an unparalleled and exponential rate. In this digital era where internet stands the prime source for generating incredible information, it is vital to develop better means to mine the available information rapidly and most capably. Manual extraction of the salient information from the large input text documents is a time consuming and inefficient task. In this fast-moving world, it is difficult to read all the text-content and derive insights from it. Automatic methods are required. The task of probing for relevant documents from the large number of sources available, and consuming apt information from it is a challenging task and is need of the hour. Automatic text summarization technique can be used to generate relevant and quality information in less time. Text Summarization is used to condense the source text into a brief summary maintaining its salient information and readability. Generating summaries automatically is in great demand to attend to the growing and increasing amount of text data that is obtainable online in order to mark out the significant information and to consume it faster. Text summarization is becoming extremely popular with the advancement in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and deep learning methods. The most important gain of automatic text summarization is, it reduces the analysis time. In this paper we focus on key approaches to automatic text summarization and also about their efficiency and limitations.

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