
Parylene C is a promising material for constructing flexible, biocompatible and corrosion-resistant microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) devices. Historically, Parylene C has been employed as an encapsulation material for medical implants, such as stents and pacemakers, due to its strong barrier properties and biocompatibility. In the past few decades, the adaptation of planar microfabrication processes to thin film Parylene C has encouraged its use as an insulator, structural and substrate material for MEMS and other microelectronic devices. However, Parylene C presents unique challenges during microfabrication and during use with liquids, especially for flexible, thin film electronic devices. In particular, the flexibility and low thermal budget of Parylene C require modification of the fabrication techniques inherited from silicon MEMS, and poor adhesion at Parylene-Parylene and Parylene-metal interfaces causes device failure under prolonged use in wet environments. Here, we discuss in detail the promises and challenges inherent to Parylene C and present our experience in developing thin-film Parylene MEMS devices.


  • Other deposition methods are critical for polymer microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) processing; spin coating is used to deposit photo-patternable polymer layers for use as an etch mask or shadow mask, or as a sacrificial layer, while physical vapor deposition (PVD) methods including evaporation and sputtering are used for metal deposition

  • Designed originally for connecting flat flexible cables (FFC) to PCB, zero-insertion force (ZIF) connectors can be made compatible with Parylene electronics by mounting Parylene devices on thicker sections of more rigid polymers such as polyetheretherketone (PEEK)

  • We previously examined the use of hydrogen peroxide plasma as a means to sterilize Parylene-based electrochemical sensors

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History and Types of Parylene

Parylene is the trade name for poly-(para-xylylene), a class of semicrystalline, hydrophobic polymers which can be deposited as thin, conformal, pinhole-free films using chemical vapor deposition (CVD). Other deposition methods are critical for polymer MEMS processing; spin coating is used to deposit photo-patternable polymer layers (photoresist) for use as an etch mask or shadow mask, or as a sacrificial layer, while physical vapor deposition (PVD) methods including evaporation and sputtering are used for metal deposition. Micromachines 2018, 9, 422 etch mask or shadow mask, or as a sacrificial layer, while physical vapor deposition (PVD) methods including evaporation and sputtering are used for metal deposition. PPaarryylleennee iiss uusseedd eexxtteennssiivveellyy ttoo ccooaatt pprriinntteedd cciirrccuuiitt bbooaarrddss,, wwiirreess,, MMEEMMSS ddeevviicceess,, aanndd bbiioommeeddiiccaall iimmppllaannttss,,aannddlelesssscocommmmonolnylyasaas satrsutrcutucrtualroalr osurbssutbrastteramteatmeraitaelrfioarl efolercetrloenctircoannidc aMnEdMMSEdMevSicdeesv. HHiigghh--ddeennssiittyy eelleeccttrrooddee aarrrraayyss wweerree ffaabbrriiccaatteedd oonn PPaarryylleennee tthhaatt wwaass ssuubbsseeqquueennttllyy tthheerrmmooffoorrmmeedd ttoo mmaattcchh tthhee ccuurrvvaattuurree ooff tthhee eeyyee ((FFiigguurree 33dd)) [[88,,4499,,5511]]. CCoocchhlleeaarr eelleeccttrrooddee aarrrraayyss,, wwhhiicchh mmuusstt ccoonnffoorrmm ttoo tthhee ccoommpplleexx aannaattoommyy ooff tthhee iinnnneerr eeaarr,, wweerree ddeevveellooppeedd bbyy eexxppllooiittiinngg PPaarryylleennee’’ss pprrooppeerrttiieess aass aa tthhiinn aanndd flfleexxiibbllee ssuubbssttrraattee [[5533]]. WWhhiillee mmaannyy ooff tthheessee oobbssttaacclleess aarree ssuurrmmoouunnttaabbllee,, ssoolluuttiioonnss aarree rararerleylydidsciuscsusesdseidn tihne ltihteeraltiuterera. tHuerere. wHeepreresweent parceosmenptilaatiocnomofpciolamtimononocfhacollmenmgeosnencchoaullnetnegreeds denucroinugnttehreedcodnusrtirnugctthioencoonfsPtraurcytlieonneoMf PEaMrySlenaendMaEMdeSsacnridptaiodnesocrfipcutirornenotf cbuersrtepnrtabcetsictepsratoctiacvesoitdo tahveosieditshsuesees.issues

Micromachining of Parylene Films
Lithographic Processes

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