
The optimal assignment problem is a classic combinatorial optimization problem. Given a set of n agents A, a set T of m tasks, and an n×m cost matrix C, the objective is to find the matching between A and T, which minimizes or maximizes an aggregate cost of the assigned agent-task pairs. In its standard definition, n = m and we are looking for the 1-to-1 matching with the minimum total cost. From a graph theory perspective, this is a weighted bipartite graph matching problem. A classic algorithm for solving the assignment problem is the Hungarian algorithm (a.k.a. Kuhn-Munkres algorithm) [3], which bears a O(n3) computational cost (assuming that n = m); this is the best run-time of any strongly polynomial algorithm for this problem. There are many variants of the assignment problem, which differ in the optimization objective (i.e., minimize/maximize an aggregate cost, achieve a stable matching, maximize the number of agents matched which their top preferences, etc.) and in whether there are constraints on the number of matches for each agent or task.

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