
Internet have become so indispensible in today's world. It is being used for varied purposes from using it as a source of information to use it for effective communication and sharing resources around the world. People today favor more for the communication oriented web portals like the chatting services and social networking portals. This has been evidently proved by the highly famous social networking projects of the world like orkut, facebook and Hi5. The number of users for these social networking sites has been on a constant increase. They serve as an effective communication channel to chat with people around the world irrespective of distances or any other external factors. They give a platform to make friends and form develop a social community effectively with ease. But there has not been an effective authenticated platform still for effective technical idea sharing in the world. There are several blogs which now favor technical discussions, but they are not very authenticated or secure enough to share innovations. There are also several community portals like IEEE and ACM, but they do not support active idea sharing like a chat or discussion forum as in social networking. Moreover they bore only highly complex technical research ideas and a novice in a field willing to enter may find it abstruse. So there is a severe lack in technical communication and there is a need for an effective platform for discussing and sharing technical innovations between students, industries and research peoples. Presently many students with many innovative ideas are not having an effective forum to present or discuss their novelties. Furthermore industries are struggling to allocate huge funds for training the students to the industrial standards with real time skills. This could be greatly reduced if students are given a platform to think innovate and guided to implement them they could develop these real time skills in their universities during their graduation studies, as the main problems the human resource professionals face is that they say the educational system of many developing countries is more theoretical and students lack practical knowledge required to survive in the industries. The research people also face a severe lack of resources both financially and technically. So we propose a novel system of technical networking where we provide a authenticated channel of technical communication of innovations between students, industries and research.

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