
What are the new industrial conditions which we now have to meet? WE have long known of the enormous progress being made in Germany, especially in those branches of manufacture of the more scientific kinds. Thus, most of the electric plants installed throughout the continent have been made in Germany, and German firms are building practically all the large lighting and inaction plants in South America. In steam engineering and in shipbuilding we know how efficient Germany has become. The phrase “made in Germany” was intended to imply that the goods so marked were not equal in quality to British made goods, but the phrase no longer carries this meaning, and it will be remembered that when the Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse made a record passage from New York to Southampton, having beaten the best English record, she sailed into port with large white letters painted on her side, “MADE IN GERMANY.” I was in Germany myself just as this happened, and heard the story passed round, to the great amusement of the Germans.

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