
Moyamoya disease (MMD) is a rare steno-occlusive disease of the bilateral internal carotid arteries that predominantly occurs in East Asia. Since the first description of the MMD by Suzuki and Takaku in 1969, significant advances have been made in both basic and clinical understanding of the disease. The incidence and prevalence of pediatric MMD have increased, potentially due to improved detection rates. The advancement of neuroimaging techniques has enabled MRI-based diagnostics and detailed visualization of the vessel wall. Various methods of surgical treatments are successful in pediatric MMD patients, and recent studies emphasize the importance of reducing postoperative complications since the goal of MMD surgery is to prevent future cerebral infarction and hemorrhage. Long-term outcomes following appropriate surgical treatment in pediatric MMD patients have shown promising results, including favorable outcomes in very young patients. Further studies with a large patient cohort are needed to establish individualized risk group stratification for determining the optimal timing of surgical treatment and to conduct multidisciplinary outcome assessments.

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