
Along the international waterway E40, there are many barriers and restrictions that make it difficult or in some cases impossible to conduct regular passenger or freight traffic. The biggest problem is the connection between the Vistula and Mukhavets rivers, and in fact, lack of this connection. Currently, the MDW E40 course on this section on the AGN maps runs along the Bug River, which cannot be considered for revitalization of this waterway for environmental reasons. As a result, research has been undertaken to work out proposals for new alternatives. Three variants of the route have been created in the form of a navigation channel. Each variant has been thoroughly explored in hydrotechnical, hydrological, environmental, economic and social terms. The results of the analyses were collected and compared to select the most optimal route variant of the navigation channel. The best connection was the Vistula from the estuary of the Wieprz River near the city of Dęblin with the estuary of the river Mukhavets. It is suggested to indicate this route as the most optimal, not only for economic and technical reasons, but above all, because this option will positively influence the development of the Polish inland waterway network. In addition, the least negative impact on the environment will occur in this case.

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