
Power system security and reliability are the most essential aspects of today's power market. Ensuring continuous supply of power meeting the desired quality standards are crucial. If any power system exhibit inability to do so then it needs to be reformed and updated in all required aspects. This paper deals with technical/engineering reforms of INPS for security enhancement, beginning with reviews of the existing power trade conditions of INPS with India while also identifying power trade relation opportunities with China, Bangladesh and Bhutan, followed by consumer level reforms needed for power quality improvement and concluded with addressing the need of generation planning and introducing new technology to fulfill the paper's objective. Hence, issues and solutions related to all the three aspects, generation, transmission and distribution are addressed here. This paper mentions the efficacy of prioritizing loads differently to different sectors as well as scheduling of industrial loads so as not to interrupt power supplies to higher priority loads. The technical issues, negative and positive, of ROR, PROR and storage type hydropower has been discussed briefly and the need of a country to build large scale hydropower plants rather than several small hydropower plants has been clarified with associated technical difficulties. Necessary technical changes in generation and distribution side has been suggested based on security and reliability viewpoint. Also, the necessary adaptations in the transmission network as per the changes suggested in generation side are forwarded. Hence, this paper provides a track for technical improvement of INPS taking into consideration the hand-in-hand growth of all three parts with simultaneous involvement of related authorities.

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