
The evolution of the architecture of the city of Chisinau from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century was conditioned by different historical, political, economic factors, etc., which imposed on it a certain stylistic typology of an eclectic nature. The development of industry in European countries and Russia contributes to the widespread use of new technologies and materials in construction. In architecture, the design process is divided into two aspects: 1) technical-constructive and 2) artistic-decorative. There is also a change in the relationship between the two related specialties in the field – engineer and architect. The construction engineer focuses on the construction of roads, bridges, industrial and military edifices, and the activity of architects is limited to the construction of civil and religious edifices with an emphasis on the aesthetic side. One of the architects with engineering training and broad knowledge in architecture is Alexandru Bernardazzi. Its activity includes „technical” constructions (roads, bridges, railway stations, water towers, etc.) and edifices made in various styles (classical, gothic, eclectic, etc.) (City Duma Building, Girls’ High School „Princess Natalia Dadiani”, the Water Tower, etc.).

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