
Marinette, Wis., Jan. 5, 1904. <h3>To the Editor:</h3> —Your editorial inThe Journal, January 2, on "Technic in Treatment of Alcoholism," suggested by the paper of Dr. J. F. Kelley in the<i>Cleveland Medical Journal</i>, calls for a comment. It has been my custom for some time to stop the alcohol at once, and I have never been sorry for so doing. A brief outline of treatment may be of interest: If, after an examination, the patient is found filled with liquor, he is given an emetic of apomorphia, 1/10 gr. will produce the desired results; then he is given a hot bath and put to bed, no restraint being used; the few cases in which a straight jacket or other appliances were used seemed to me to show that harm rather than good was produced. Alcohol in all its forms is stopped, and hot milk given every two hours,

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