
The building located by the Thames, near Waterloo Bridge, houses three theatres: the Olivier, the Lyttelton and the Cottesloe, each provided with all facilities required, such as actors' dressing rooms, rehearsal rooms, offices, costuming and wigs stores, ample lobbies, restaurants, bars, car park and other amenities. The entire structure is reinforced concrete throughout the building and the outside walls of this important complex are also a whitish concrete. The two stage towers stand out gracefully from the ample, step terraced lower body creating shadowed areas and visual facets of great beauty visible from the not too distant City: the River and Waterloo Bridge at one side, and St. Paul's Cathedral at the other.


  • The building located by the Thames, near Waterloo Bridge, houses three theatres: the Olivier, the Lyttelton and the Cottesloe, each provided with all facilities required, such as actors' dressing rooms, rehearsal rooms, offices, costuming and wigs stores, ampie lobbies, restaurants, bars, carpark and other amenities

  • The. entire structure is relnforced concrete throughout the building and the outside walls of this Important complex are a whitish concrete

  • © Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Licencia Creative Commons 3.0 España (by-nc) http://informesdelaconstruccion.revistas.csic.es

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Situado en las orillas del Támesis y junto al puente de Waterloo comprende tres teatros: Olivier, Lyttelton y Cottesloe dotados de todos los servicios auxiliares necesarios, tales como camerinos, salas de ensayo, despachos, almacenes de vestuarios, pelucas, etc.; amplios vestíbulos, restaurantes, bares, y aparcamientos de automóviles. © Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Licencia Creative Commons 3.0 España (by-nc) http://informesdelaconstruccion.revistas.csic.es acceso bajo teatro Lyttelton planta baja

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