
ABSTRACT Objective Report the construction, organization and presentation of a play with an approach to violence against womens. Method This is an experience report about the use of theater in the teaching-learning process to approach violence against womens. The activity was developed from April to November 2019, being elaborated in three stages: (1) Construction of the script; (2) Essays and organization and (3) Presentation. Data were analyzed through thematic categorical analysis, presented in a descriptive way, emerging four thematic categories and six subcategories, discussing them according to the relevant literature. Results It highlights the importance of using this educational technology to favor the teaching-learning process, from the construction to the presentation of the play, enabling undergraduates encouragement to creativity, strengthening of social relations, criticality, respect and the capacity for agreement, by providing opportunities for the development of essential skills for professional practice, collective coexistence and transdisciplinary work. Conclusionan and implications for practice The experience was considered successful, as it constituted an educational strategy that enabled undergraduates to develop crucial skills for recognizing and assisting to women in situations of violence.

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