
This paper examines the effects of crew dive rsity on performance during the completion of a simulated space task (Cabin Air Ma nagement System). Crew diversity was created by giving crew members diff erent types of training, which varied with regard to two fa ctors: team specialisation and system understanding. Team specialisation referred to the degree to which team members shared knowledge about system fault states (low vs. high ove rlap). System under standing referred to the depth of unde rstanding crew members were given during training (procedure -oriented vs. system oriented). 72 partic ipants took part in the study. After having received 4.5 hrs of trai ning, crew members took part in a 1 -hr exper imental session, in which they worked in two person teams. Measures were taken of primary and secondary task performance, system inte rve ntion and information sampling strategies, mental model, and subjective oper ator state. The results of the study provided ind ications that crew performance may benefit from ce rtain types of cognitive diversity. The implic ations of the findings for cognitive d iversity in space crews are di scussed.

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