
Abstract With teams becoming a more critical element, tasked to deal with ever changing scenarios, while operating in increasingly complex environments, this research looks at the role of team coaching in the oil and gas industry. Whether it is being used today and how as an intervention it can help with the current and future challenges the industry faces. The research was centred around answering three questions: Where is team coaching being used today in the oil and gas sector and how effective has it been on increasing team performance? What challenges or desires does the industry have, where team coaching could help? How can the industry more widely adopt and implement effective team coaching? Solway (2021) To help answer the questions posed, data was collected from a range of sources including a questionnaire and interviews with Human Resources Leaders, Business Leaders, and Coaches (Solway, 2021). Public third-party data was used from the main coaching bodies. The findings suggested a significant percentage of the participants have used team coaching in some form. However, apart from senior leadership teams, other team-based activities such as team facilitation were found to be the predominate form of intervention, perceived as team coaching (Solway, 2021). Three themes emerged from the findings. These included a need for defining what is team coaching and how it can add value to the oil and gas industry; identification of some of the key challenges where team coaching can potentially help; and a focus on operations and how team-based activities are used today (Solway, 2021). An industry specific definition for Team Coaching was offered, along with a team coaching model, specific to oilfield operations teams.

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