
In this research study a novel human inspired optimization algorithm namely Team Arrangement Heuristic Algorithm (TAHA) is proposed, based on the pyramidal structure of a company and also the activities of each member in the company. It is assumed that in a company three groups of members do activities, which are the CEO, directors and employees. The right arrangement of these members and also connection between them will lead the company to the best situation where, the best project will be handled by the company, with the best members and the project will be precisely finished at its dead line with a high quality. The performance of the proposed algorithm has been evaluated with popular unimodal and multimodal functions. Also CEC2005 benchmark functions are used as a challenging problems. Seven popular optimization algorithms namely, particle swarm optimization (PSO), cuckoo search (CS), fire fly algorithm (FA), flower pollination algorithm (FPA), krill herd (KH), grey wolf optimizer (GWO) and gravitation search algorithm (GSA) are used for the purpose of comparison. Two real case engineering problems, which are heat wheel optimization problem and horizontal axis tidal current turbine problem, are solved using TAHA and other mentioned algorithms. The results indicated that TAHA outperforms other algorithms in several cases and it has a great performance in solving complicated optimization problems.

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