
This study aims to show the basic concepts of wave through traditional musical instruments integrated with computer-based software and smartphones, as well as to find out the profile and improvement of students’ science process skills. The design of inquiry-oriented learning activities is guided by science process skill worksheets that involve the exploration of traditional musical instruments and software. Traditional musical instruments used are stringed instruments (Gambo Mbojo), wind instruments (Sundanese flute), and membrane instruments (Rebab), while the software used is Adobe Audition, Zelscope, MacScope II, LiteChromatic, Spectrum Advenced, and Spear. The students studied were 32 prospective physics teacher students enrolled in the wave course. Data collection was carried out by means of literature study and tests. The test kits use multiple choice science process skills (SPS-tests). The data was statistically analyzed using the mean difference test (paired sample t-test) with normalized gain determined by the hake factor (N -gain). Based on the results of the research, it was concluded that the learning design of the traditional musical instrument and freesoftware can be increase the quality of the process of physics learning which is indicated by the achievement students science process skills which significantly increase between before and after learning activities.

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