
AbstractEvery year, several teachers retire from the education sector in Rivers State and these teaching retirees still have a lot they can contribute to the education system but can only deliver lifelong educational services when life after retirement is patterned to what is obtainable during active service. The study investigated teaching retirees' life adjustment pattern for lifelong educational service delivery in Rivers State. The study's design was descriptive survey and 18,073 retirees formed the population of the study out of which 391 retirees were sampled through multistage sampling. Data were collected using questionnaire which was face and content validated by experts in University of Port Harcourt with a Cronbach alpha determined reliability index of 0.94. Answers were provided to the research questions using mean score and SD while at 5% level of significance the hypotheses were tested using z-test statistics. The study revealed that retired teachers adjust economically using different patterns including engaging in paid employment. The retirees also adjusted socially through different patterns. Conclusively, the study identified that the retirees had economic and social adjustment patterns needed for providing lifelong educational services in Rivers State.

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