
This study examined the teaching points made by preceptors in response to two videotaped teaching encounters to determine if (1) different preceptors use similar teaching points in response to the same case, (2) preceptors' teaching points vary by case, and (3) preceptors' teaching points vary by teaching model (One-Minute Preceptor and traditional preceptor models). Preceptors (n = 116) at seven universities participated in a within-groups experimental design study in 2000. The preceptors viewed videotaped encounters depicting two cases and two precepting models. They were asked to list two teaching points after viewing the initial case presentations and after the teaching encounters were completed. Frequency of teaching points listed by preceptors was examined for each case and teaching model. Teaching points were coded using qualitative methods and then analyzed using repeated-measures analysis of variance. Of the 843 total teaching points identified by preceptors, 63 were discrete teaching points that were aggregated into 15 categories. Most preceptors (82%) listed three to five separate teaching points, which varied significantly by case and model. Those observing the traditional precepting model were more likely to teach generic skills such as history-taking skills, presentation skills, and risk factors, and those observing the One-Minute Preceptor were more likely to teach about the illness focusing on a broader differential diagnosis, further diagnostic tests, and the natural presentation of disease. Preceptors use three to five common teaching points that vary by case and teaching model. The One-Minute Preceptor model shifted teaching points away from generic clinical skills toward disease-specific teaching.

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