
Purpose: To compare the ease of use, perceived duration of examination and patient comfort during fundoscopy using Arclight ophthalmoscope against conventional direct ophthalmoscope.
 Study Design: Comparative Cross Sectional 
 Sampling Technique: Purposive Sampling Technique
 Place & Duration of Study: This study was executed during two workshop sessions of 180 minutes each held in 2019 at Ophthalmology department of Lahore General Hospital, Lahore.
 Material &Methods: Post Graduate residents from different departments of Lahore general hospital were invited over to participate in hands On workshop. Participants were given a brief review of fundoscopy techniques and response booklets were given to them for noting down their findings. Patients with variable Vertical Cup to disc ratio (VCDR) had their pupils pharmacologically dilated for participants to examine the fundus. After successful collection of data from 74 post graduates in two sessions, it was compiled and used to draw statistically significant descriptive and inferential results.
 Results : During this teaching experience in form of workshop , the scores from both devices were used and correlation was positive ( Pearson Correlation value = 0.712) and significant (p-value = 0.000). It was seen that mean Ease of use score for Direct Ophthalmoscope was 6.0 (± 1.345) while the mean of EOU for Arclight was 6.23 (± 1.193) showing that ease of use by the examiners for both devices was almost same, however Arclight was slightly easier to use and handle. Patients perceived slightly less glare and more comfort during examination with Arclight (Mean Comfort Score = 3.27 ± 0.703) as compared to standard direct ophthalmoscope (Mean Comfort Score = 3.0 ± 0.617). Duration of examination perceived by the subjects was uncomfortably long with Direct Ophthalmoscope (Mean LOE Score 2.77 ± 0.685) , while it was relatively shorter with Arclight (Mean LOE Score = 3.18 ± 0.664). 
 Conclusion : In addition to being cost effective and a compact instrument, Arclight is slightly easier to use with a shorter learning curve for the beginners. It is better tolerated by patients hence providing more comfort during examination in terms of glare. The length of examination as perceived by the patients, is also much shorter for Arclight as compared to standard direct ophthalmoscope.

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