
The European Olympic Committee is a non-governmental not-for-profit organization whose objective is to propagate the fundamental principles of Olympism at European level.Olympism refers to the philosophy of the Olympic Games. Olympism seeks to create a way of life by blending sport with culture, education and international co-operation. It is based on the joy of effort, the educational value of good example, social responsibility and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles. The goal of the Olympism is to contribute to building a peaceful and better world by educating youth through sport practices with Olympism and its values. To contribute to this important aim; Olympic Culture and Legacy Commission of European Olympic Committees has been working on educational materials such as; books, leaflets, informative Power Point presentations etc. All prepared materials are sent to member countries of EOC to be used in different sport related educative environments. It is seen that, initially, the National Olympic Committees are responsible of spreading, promoting and using them. There is no specific feedback on how the guide books, leaflets etc. has an impact on young people on learning Olympism and its values. As technology grows, education materials are in need to change too. Especially young people and children who are very likely to use smartphones, tablets etc. are growing in numbers massively. As a matter of this change, Olympic Education had to have a new era in changing the way of teaching Olympism and its values. The EOC launched a mobile quiz application about Olympism and its values in February 2017, by the work of its Olympic Culture and Legacy Commission. This paper will focus on what Olympic Education is, how it is evolved through technology and discuss the newly launched ‘Olympism Quiz Mobile Application’ for young athletes.
 Keywords: Olympism; Olympic education; mobile application; mobile quiz; sport education;

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