
Teaching reading information to high school students in several countries in the world is not new, but in Vietnam, this is a new point in the General Education Curriculum in Philology, issued in 2018. Philology teacher of Vietnam has long taught students to read comprehension literature text, so there is no method and skill to teach informational text to students. This chapter researches and proposes a number of solutions to teach reading comprehension informational text for high school students in Vietnam to achieve high efficiency, in order to meet the requirements of the new General Education Curriculum in Philology. The research is conducted through the analysis of literacy teaching comprehension of informational text in the current Philology curriculum in Vietnam and analyzing, as compared with literacy teaching comprehension of informational text in programs and textbooks of several countries in the world. Since then, the search has proposed several teaching solutions to read comprehension information text for high school students in Vietnam, including immediate and long-term solutions to change teachers’ awareness about the importance and significance of literacy teaching comprehension informational text for high school students, adjusting the training programs of the pedagogical schools in the direction of supplementing the modules on this content, giving specific guidance on the methods, techniques for teaching reading comprehension informational text in schools. The chapter also shows that this is an important mission to be implemented in the context of educational reform in Vietnam to meet the goals of general education.

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