
The article highlights the necessity to develop creative thinking of future economists and managers in the process of foreign language learning. Creative thinking is considered as an essential competence of future specialists. Different approaches to the definition of creative thinking are given in the article. The most important components, features and characteristics of creative thinking of students of economic and managerial specialties are presented by the author. The article reveals the most effective teaching methods for students’ creative thinking development in the process of teaching English to future specialists. A system of language activities aiming to develop creative thinking of students of economic and managerial specialties has been elaborated by the author. It comprises a range of interactive activities such as creative writing, describing a picture, creative projects, brainwriting, finding a connection, creative reading, game-based activities. A detailed description, aim of development of particular creative thinking skills, stages and special recommendations for the successful implementation of the system of language activities are presented in the article. The author underlines a great potential of English classes for the purpose to foster students’ creativity and make the process of foreign language learning more interesting, student involved and personally oriented. Conclusions of the scientific research and further researches are disclosed. It is also emphasized that creative thinking skills of future specialists can be developed in the process of extra curriculum activities. Thus, creation and functioning of students’ problem group on creativity development in the process of learning English has been proposed as one of the effective means for fostering students’ creativity

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