
Open-sourced large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable efficacy in various tasks with instruction tuning. However, these models can sometimes struggle with tasks that require more specialized knowledge such as translation. One possible reason for such deficiency is that instruction tuning aims to generate fluent and coherent text that continues from a given instruction without being constrained by any task-specific requirements. Moreover, it can be more challenging to tune smaller LLMs with lower-quality training data. To address this issue, we propose a novel framework using examples in comparison to teach LLMs to learn translation. Our approach involves output comparison and preference comparison, presenting the model with carefully designed examples of correct and incorrect translations and an additional preference loss for better regularization. Empirical evaluation on four language directions of WMT2022 and FLORES-200 benchmarks shows the superiority of our proposed method over existing methods. Our findings offer a new perspective on fine-tuning LLMs for translation tasks and provide a promising solution for generating high-quality translations. Please refer to Github for more details: https://github.com/lemon0830/TIM.

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