
Introduction: Teaching job anxiety is a feeling of deep distress towards teaching job in the absence of any known or appropriate object. It is a type of dissatisfaction towards teacher’s need. Objective: The investigator is interested to find out the level of job anxiety and difference in job anxiety levels among male and female higher secondary teachers (HSTs) working in private and government schools. Methodology: Total 360 HSTs from private and government schools were assessed. While selecting samples, equal numbers of male and female HSTs were selected from equal number of private and government schools. A.K. Srivastav’s Job anxiety scale was used to measure job anxiety and stress level. The researcher used descriptive method involving measurement, evaluation, comparison, and interpretation. Frequency, percentage and ꭓ2 test were applied for statistical analysis of data and to find out significant difference. Results: 63.33% HSTs were facing high level of job anxiety and 18.33% were at average level. Total 65% male were facing higher anxiety as compared with 61.66% female HSTs. Total 77.78% HSTs of private schools were facing higher anxiety as compared with 48.89% of government schools. 75.56% female HSTs of private schools were facing higher level of job anxiety as compared with 47.78% HSTs of government schools and 80% male HSTs of private schools were facing higher level as compared with 50% male HSTs of government schools. Conclusion: it is concluded that there is a significant difference in the job anxiety relating to gender and types of schools. Similar difference is observed in job satisfaction relating to gender and types of schools. Study may be conducted on large population to increase its comprehensiveness. Work stress of TGTs could have been assessed to make it a comparative one. It could have been better if some remedial measures had been found out.

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