
This paper is titled: “Teaching for Life- Transformation in Titus 2:1-15 As Core Duty of Pastoral Ministry, and Its Implications for the Contemporary Church in Nigeria” The paper affirms that one of the core duties of the Christian minister is to engage in the systematic teaching of church members with the goal of keeping them growing unto maturity in Christ. God has instituted the church in the world as the only redeeming agency through which sinners will experience redemption from the destructive power of Satan, sin and death. The mysterious but powerful influence of the Church has, for several centuries, been the only means for sinners to personally submit to God’s offer of love for salvation, thereby, to experience eternal salvation and moral transformation leading to eternal joy and peace. This requires simple obedience by accepting God’s love through faith in the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It continuously enhances the opportunity for the demonstration of God’s sovereignty and love to save sinful humanity to the utmost. To pursue the objectives of this paper, the writer has highlighted some of the essential attributes of the church in relation to the duties of Christian ministers. Such attributes which distinguish the church from other human organizations include: being the “Ark” of safety, a political agency, an instrument of social reform, a receptive audience, and the kingdom of God on earth. Others are being: the “salt and light of the world”; the “body” and flock of Jesus Christ; the assembly of the redeemed sinner turned saints; the bride of Christ; and the royal priest, the holy nation. Also, the paper has examined the nature of the roles of Christian ministers as the visible representatives of Jesus Christ, the Chief Shepherd and head of the church. As submitted by Paul, leadership is instituted in the church to provide members with opportunities of being equipped for the work of service, and thereby, to grow unto maturity in Christ. Further, this writer embarked on the exegetical study of chapter two of the Epistle to Titus (Tit. 2:1-15), where the text has indicated that one of the core duties of a Christian minister is to teach sound doctrine to the various groups in the church. The study has also shown that whereas Titus was the church pastor, he needed to empower other people in the church who, in turn, would become mature and help to effectively teach others. Besides, the study has clearly revealed that the moral and spiritual lifestyle of the Christian minister will make his teaching/preaching to ‘carry’ sufficient weight, which will aid the effectiveness of pastoral ministry.

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