
This paper argues that the grammar of English as a second language should be taught in English second language classrooms so that some complex grammatical issues such as students' poor knowledge about word classes, subject-verb agreement - concord, mechanics of writing, confusion with the use of the relative clause, challenges with modifiers, etc. which persistently inundate students' essays can be ameliorated. Textual analysis approach is used to analyse grammatical structures from selected Ghanaian newspapers - Daily Graphic and The Daily Guide, students' manuscripts and other sources to arrive at the findings, which support the need for the teaching of English grammar in Ghanaian schools. In addition, the paper seeks to argue that until the challenges as mentioned above are dealt with in English grammar as a second language, both students and teachers, especially in Ghanaian schools, cannot be comfortable with the use of the language. As a recommendation, the paper suggests that experienced teachers of English should be employed by school authorities to teach the subject at all levels of education. In addition, the paper recommends that English second language curriculum planners should make adequate provision for good textbooks for students and teachers.

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