
The article discusses the morphological categories of the Azerbaijani language educational, also comparing the use of case categories, northern dialects and dialects and, the types of spelling and the number of cases of nouns in Oghuz and Kipchak languages ​​and their integration with each other, as well as comparisons with other Turkic languages ​​were made. It discusses a single system of phonetic differences in the resolution of nouns. All names, all words, including infinitives are used in Turkish languages. According to meanings and syntactic function, they are divided into two groups: grammatical and spatial. For example, in most Turkish languages, six cases are accepted - noun, possessive, directional, influential, local and speech. However, Kazakh, Karachay-Balkar, Chuvash and others there are two additional forms of conjugation and consonant. Therefore, this study focusses on teaching elements of Kipchak language in north Azerbaijani groups with emphasis on educational materials in the mother tongue.

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