
This study aimed to identify teachers view about Nature of Science (NOS). One of the most recent framework that focused on educational adaptation of NOS is called Reconceptualised Family Resemblance Approach to Nature of Science (RFN). Based on RFN, NOS is categorized by its aims and values, scientific inquiry, methods, knowledge and social-institutional aspect of science. Teacher plays big role in learning process to teach NOS both in implicitly or explicitly. However, only few of research that have been revealed teacher’s view about NOS using RFN. A qualitative research method was considered in order to identify teacher’s responses based on categories of RFN. This study also used 70 items “RFN-Questionnaire” that was adapted from Kaya et al (2019). Total 15 science teachers and 10 non-science teachers such as social and language teachers was participated in written questionnaire and interview processes. The result show that non-science teachers have different view about NOS in each category compared to science-teacher based on interview. Though a quantitative data analyse, using Mann-Whitney based on score from RFN-Q, suggest that there is no significant differences between non-science teacher and science teacher’s overall score. This study concluded that teachers in both science and non-science majors have different view about NOS because of learning experience and processes they have received.

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