The paper considers the system of professional qualifications for teachers of subject education and defines the most important criterion for obtaining a higher pedagogical education. As part of the implementation of the structural model of teacher education, bachelor's and master's programs are distinguished. Each level is an independent system, but in unity, they form a model of a complete higher pedagogical education. This study established the pedagogical model of professional growth of a bachelor's graduate at the formal and non-formal levels of education, and the pedagogical trajectory of a graduate of a master's program determined the deepening of qualifications and work in higher education. The results of this study indicate a clear system of qualification levels, however, at the level of its content – professional competence – there is no single description of its constituent competencies. In the context of the competence-based approach to teaching implemented in higher education, pedagogical and methodological competence for a teacher of any qualification, as well as research competence for a master's degree graduate, are defined as a key component of pedagogical qualification. Based on the analysis of previous studies of teacher training under the conditions of a competency-based model, regulations and standards, the previously defined competencies were identified as basic ones. The development of the basic competencies of a teacher is determined by the system of professional growth and, within the framework of the “lifelong learning” model, forms a system of continuous teacher education. The system of professional growth in this study is determined by the qualifications achieved and depends on the education system: for a teacher of secondary education, the model for improving pedagogical skills through obtaining qualification categories is determined as the basis, and for a teacher of higher education, obtaining an academic degree, title and professional growth by position is available. Lifelong education for a teacher in this study also depends on the level: in secondary education – an increase in the level of pedagogical and methodological activities, and in higher education – an increase in the level of scientific and pedagogical activity throughout the entire period of professional activity.
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