
This study focused on the teachers perspectives on Duaw Tulunghaan. A qualitative and phenomenological approach through in-depth interviews and focus group discussion method was used to gather the data needed. This study was gleaned through Interpretive-Practical Theory known as person centered supervision. Another theory anchored to this study was known as Critical Emancipatory Theory that encourages reflective action for both teachers and supervisors. This theory examines moral, ethical, and political dimensions embedded in the teaching practice. Another theory was the applied Science Theory or it is also associated to empirical analytical method. This theory emphasized the technical aspects during supervision. A researcher-made questionnaire, with a total of four main research questions and twelve sub-questions, was used to interview the fourteen participants. They were selected through purposive sampling technique. The data were gathered through audio recording, and were transcribed. As to the participants perspectives, five (5) major themes emerged: improves teaching competence assesses teachers needs serves as stressor or burden evaluates strengths and weaknesses and develops professional growth. Participants shared their experiences and four (4) major themes developed: stress in intensive preparation stress in preparing instructional materials apprehensions in facing higher authorities and memorable and productive learning. In addition, participants employed different ways of coping including proper preparations technical assistance time management self-motivation positive outlook and open-mindedness. Establish rapport between observers and teachers be ready and prepared inform the schedule ahead of time sustain the implementation provide instructional materials and be optimistic were the suggestions of participants. This study recommended modifying or strengthening DepEd orders on Duaw Tulunghaan

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