
This study aimed at determining the knowledge and challenges in inclusive education as perceived by the teachers and parents at Diffun District, Diffun Quirino. Mixed Methods of Research (MMR) was employed in this study. Mean was used to determine the extent of knowledge of the respondents while thematic analysis was utilized to explore the challenges in inclusive education. The teachers were fully knowledgeable on inclusive education as compared to the parents who have only negligible knowledge about the nature of inclusive education. There is a significant difference on the extent of knowledge on inclusive education between teachers and parents. Teachers are more knowledgeable about inclusive education. The challenges affecting the inclusive education were the occurrence of bullying, lack of teachers’ training and attitudes, inadequate school facilities, and poor parents’ support. The teachers handling inclusive classes must undergo training to be fully prepared for the job. Schools must initiate orientation in the community particularly among parents about the nature and guidelines in the implementation of inclusive education. The Child Protection Program must be strengthened specially in the inclusive education to avoid discrimination among the students with learning disabilities. Facilities, learning materials and other support needs must be provided in order to realize the goal of inclusive education.

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