
Agricultural mechanics is an important component of a well-rounded school-based agricultural education (SBAE) program. Within agricultural mechanics courses lies a plethora of topics and skills to be covered. Adequate tools and equipment are vital in preparing students to fill an expanding, 21st century workforce. The issue of inadequate teaching materials has been well documented throughout the entire educational system, and such inadequacies may leave gaps in students’ ability to become proficient within agricultural mechanics. A paper-based questionnaire was distributed to all teachers in attendance at the Iowa teachers’ conference. This descriptive study sought to identify teacher-perceived adequacy of available tools and equipment to teach agricultural mechanics in Iowa. The researchers found that many agricultural education teachers in Iowa are ill-equipped to teach many concepts within agricultural mechanics due to a reported lack of adequate tools and equipment. Agricultural education teachers in SBAE programs should ensure adequate tools and equipment to meet curricular and industry standards. It is recommended to examine purchasing decisions of tools for inclusion in the agricultural mechanics laboratory as well.

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