
This study sought to assess teacher qualification in public primary schools in Bomi and Margibi Counties, Liberia. Teacher Qualification in this study is considered as Academic Qualification and Teaching Experience. Participants were 133 teachers and 8 principals from 16 public primary schools in Bomi and Margibi Counties. A simple random sampling technique was used to select the teachers, while a purposive sampling technique was used to select the principals for the study. A cross-sectional survey design, documentary review, brief observations and mini-interview were used. A semi-structured self-administered questionnaire, in addition to the open ended questions for the mini-interview was mainly used to collect the data. Research findings revealed that nearly half of the teachers studied in Bomi and Margibi Counties have teaching certificates required to teach at the primary level. However, there is a considerable number of teachers teaching in public primary schools that don’t have the required certificates. This stresses the need for teacher training to still be prioritized. The study also revealed that most of the teachers with the academic qualification to teach, never had teaching experience besides the mandatory teaching practices (practicum) done during training. Findings suggest that although more teachers hold the minimum teaching certificate ( C Certificate), teacher training should still be prioritized as there are still more teachers in the classrooms without any formal teacher training. Continuous professional development (CPD) should also be carried out regularly to boost the competency level of teachers who already hold the teaching certificate, but have little teaching experience.

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