
This study aims to examine the teacher’s pedagogy based on the learning model 21st century aspect of digital age literacy for theoretical subjects in school. The use of digital era literacy in technology, visual and information literacy in 21st century teaching and learning. The design of this study is qualitative by using interview protocol as an instrument. The population of the study is the teachers who have the teaching experience less than ten years and use this digital era literacy approach as a pedagogy of teaching and learning or as a facilitator in ICT. The data obtained were analyzed using coding and analysis to identify themes according to categorized patterns and meanings. Next The objective of the study is to explore the elements in the era of digital-era literacy constructions pedagogical needs of PPG teachers teaching theoretical subjects in school. Findings shows that there are 15 themes obtained based on interview protocols which affects all three literacy. The theme is deepening of technology, visual interpretation, enhancing student thinking, accessing information, using latest applications, integrating multiple media, guiding information access, gaining student reflection, stimulating student thinking, shaping student’s soft skills, adapting materials, motivating, diversifying techniques, value and support. However, the study This is done to apply technology with the content and teacher pedagogy for use in 21st century learning and learning among PPG teachers.

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