
In the article, the author describes the procedures and results of the implementation of the pedagogical technology – the design and delivery of the three-hour session ‘Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching and the History of Method’ to the second-year pre-service English teachers at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine aimed at enhancing students’ understanding of basic ELT concepts and becoming prepared for the new methodology content to be covered in the spring term of the academic year of 2019/2020. The study is based on the material of the experimental Core Curriculum “English Language Teaching Methodology. Bachelor’s Level” implemented within the framework of the joint project of the British Council Ukraine and the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine “New Generation School Teacher”. The author applied the research methods of comparison, generalisation, synthesis, induction and deduction, as well as carried out the classroom action research using such instruments for qualitative and quantitative data collection as teacher classroom observations, student surveys, and student self-assessment checklists. The analysis of the obtained results demonstrates that the suggested pedagogical technology (materials, activities, methods/techniques, interaction of the subjects of educational process, etc.) helped the teacher educator and students to reach the objectives of the experimental study. The results of the study might be useful for the wider community of pre-service English language teacher educators in Ukraine and beyond.

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