
Bu karma yontem calismanin amaci, Endonezya Jambi’deki sertifikali Ingilizce ogretmenlerine yonelik ogrenci algilarini incelemektir. Calisma verileri, anket ve odak grup tartismalari yoluyla toplanmistir. Toplanan veriler, sertifikali Ingilizce ogretmenlerinin kisisel, pedagojik, sosyal ve mesleki yeterliklerine yonelik lise son sinif ogrencilerinin algilarindan olusmaktadir. Toplam 95 katilimcinin 78’i kiz 17’si ise erkek ogrencidir. Anket verileri istatistiksel olarak analiz edilmis ve odak grup tartisma verileri, temel verileri desteklemek uzere nitel olarak analiz edilmistir. Elde edilen bulgulara gore, ogrenciler, kisisel, pedagojik, sosyal ve mesleki yeterliklerden olusan dort ogretmenin yeterliklerine yonelik anket yoluyla olumlu yanitlar vermislerdir. Odak grup tartismasindan elde edilen sonuclar ise ogretmenlerin kisiliklerine ve mesleki yeterliklere yonelik olarak ogrencilerin olumsuz yanitlar verdiklerini ortaya koymustur. Bu calisma, Endonezya’daki sertifika politikasini degerlendirmek uzere politika yapicilar icin faydali bilgiler saglamistir. Ayrica, gelecek calismalara yonelik ve elde edilen bulgulara yonelik politik tavsiyeler ve cikarimlar da ele alinmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Sertifikali Ingilizce ogretmenleri, ogretmen yeterlikleri, Endonezyali ogretmenler Teacher certification policy in Indonesia: Evidence from certified English teachers at one public high school Abstract The purpose of this mixed methods study was to examine students’ perception towards their certified English teachers in Jambi, Indonesia. The data of this study were collected through questionnaire and focus group discussion. The data collected were senior high students’ perception on the certified English teachers’ personal, pedagogical, social, and professional competences. 95 participants consisting of 78 female and 17 male students were involved in this study. The questionnaire data were analyzed statistically and the focus group discussion data were analyzed qualitatively to support the primary data. The findings of the study indicated that students gave their positive responses through questionnaire to four teachers’ competences consisting of personal, pedagogical, social, and professional competences while the results of focus group discussion exhibited negative responses to personality of the teachers, and professional competences. This study provides information for policymaker to evaluate the certification policy in Indonesia. Policy recommendations and implications of findings and future research are also discussed. Keywords: Certified English teachers, teachers’ competence, Indonesian teachers

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