
The masculine image of scientists as elderly men wearing white coats and glasses, working alone in the laboratory has been documented since the 1950s. Because it is important that teacher candidates have a scientifically literate image of scientists due to the impact they have on their future students, this investigation is salient. This study involved the examination of drawings of scientists using the Draw-a-Scientist Test (DAST) and Draw-a-Science-Teacher-Test Checklist (DASTT-C) coupled with attributes listed by 91 teacher candidates enrolled in elementary education courses at an American university in south Louisiana. The purpose of this study was two-fold, first to investigate teacher candidates’ images of scientists and second, to determine associated characteristics. Reasons for images, demographic information and facts concerning science courses were collected as contributing data. Images drawn by teacher candidates in a planning and assessment course were compared to those drawn by elementary methods students. Atypical drawings and those by male participants were analyzed separately. The overall results were encouraging. Certain items associated with the stereotypical image of scientists appeared in the 91 drawings while others were slightly represented or totally absent. Female scientists appeared in almost 48% of the drawings and smiling scientists were common. Some differences in percentages of items occurred between methods and planning/assessment teacher candidates. Various attributes were stereotypical but there were many exceptions. Some influencers identified by participants were electronic and print media, high school classes and college laboratories. Recommendations were the inclusion of science history and out-of-classroom experiences in methods courses.

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