
The validation of a cloud system can be complicated by the size of the system, the number of users that can concurrently request services, and the virtualization used to give the illusion of using dedicated machines. Unfortunately, it is not feasible to use conventional testing methods with cloud systems. This article proposes a framework, called TEA- Cloud , that integrates simulation with testing methods for validating cloud system designs. Testing is applied on both functional and nonfunctional aspects of the cloud, like performance and cost. The aim of the framework is to provide a complete methodology to help users to model both software and hardware parts of cloud systems and automatically test the validity of these clouds using a cost-effective approach. Metamorphic testing is used to overcome the lack of an oracle that checks whether the behavior observed in testing is allowed. Metamorphic testing is based on metamorphic relations (MRs). We define three families of MRs, which target issues such as performance, resource provisioning, and cost. TEA- Cloud was evaluated through an empirical study that used fault seeding (mutation) and ten MRs for testing different cloud configurations. The results were promising, with TEA- Cloud finding all seeded faults.

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